-You are not an apostle. An apostle is an EYEWITNESS

Repent Into The Rapture

-And I Heard In My Hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," (beware of God's Wine Press, see thou hurt not the oil and the wine), beware, Apb

Commentor: Jimmy B.

     -You are not an apostle. An apostle is an EYEWITNESS of Jesus's earthly ministry, from his baptism by John, until his crucifixion, or in Paul's case, saw him face to face after his resurrection, and received his marching orders; PERIOD. End of discussion; end of conversation.  (Everything the bible, the gospel of Jesus is, standing as evidence of Jesus, and like the religious leaders of Jesus' day, apparently you missed it, the proof is in your argument, we're all now eyewitnesses by the living word from Genesis to Revelation), Apb 

Apostle's Note, The Gospel, Resurrection And Ascension Of Jesus Christ

-Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. Sol. 2:10-13 (A Spring Rapture), Apb

For God Has Set Up The Members Of The Church (Body),  As It Hath Pleased Him, I Cor. 12 www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com

     -Yeah when I was taken by the Christ of Resurrection the spring of 1986, as prophesied Jesus himself appearing, three times commissioning me to come. He had wings, Malachi's healing wings stretched to each side, he to look upon was to look upon God Himself. Then for the longest time, an amazing event, now demonstrated upon me these 31 springs, into an estimated date of escape 2015, of September 23-25th, as so lately 2016, an I witness to Jesus' Millennium descending, I just couldn't figure it.
     -Then once there and once I return, seeming only minutes, (1986-1993), I had such this overwhelming hunger. I lived, breathed, ate and existed period the reading, the studying, the memorizing, the praying of the word of God. So much so that by the time Holy Spirits visiting ordain me an Apostle of Jesus and I like you, I out right refused it, I mean like you and so many others, pastors, preachers and churches, how could I ever even imagine?
     -Well He, they, Holy Spirits explained all that had gone before, Jesus' appearing, the visitation to heaven, the massive hunger for the living word, a prayer closet that was phenomena. How it was all me as prior disciples following, knowing, learning and becoming like Jesus, that then I was a disciple, but now, only months into salvation and ascension.  Miraculously I was now an ordain Apostle of Jesus and believe Apostle heaven's host going and coming upon the redeemed, like as Jesus, treat me, Her, accordingly.
     -Soon these back and forth arguments spurn into a situation of Peter, the Prince of the Apostles refusing to allow Jesus to wash his feet; all with Jesus explaining if not, Peter was none of His. This mean soon Holy Spirits explained if not, If I didn't receive the gift of Jesus' Apostleship my new heart, washed clean hands then, well you understand. I understood, and the acceptation eased down my resistant throat a bit more.
       -Or to be honest, I simply could have told you God is the same today, yesterday and forever; that He reserves the right, Christ's Cross/Bride to set up it's members as it hath pleased Him. As well, to go and see especially Ephesian the 4th chapter, the only biblical scripture that begun to persuade me. I know how it all sound, how it seem, that it's like no way possible but, well, remember how the religious leaders (now Western Rule into the American Dream/Mystery Babylon).  
    -How they had one plan for Saul of Tarsus the Damascus road (The pending Apostle Paul), and Jesus, (Holy Spirit, True Christianity), had another? That's right into the present day Church Bride overcoming these evils unimaginably over and over again, repent or perish, what Jesus said in the beginning,  Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com www.thelightofbeowulf2017.blogspot.com
