The Earliest Of The Twelve Witnessed Jesus' Resurrection

Early The Mighty

     -Repent Into Rapture see here, 

     -Four Sinners Prayers

     -So Which is it Nuclear War, Civil War, Yellow Stone, Storms Triple Katrina, Another Carrington Effect, Nibiru, A Pale Horse Judgment And Lest I Forget, The Rapture? All of which are showing heighten activity and rising right now, All per God's Winepress are coming in one manner or another, see thou hurt not the oil and wine, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links 

      -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb 

     -And They, The Rebellious, The Heathen Raging Will Know, I Am God 

     -When just as soon you find your reflection in the mirror of this Almighty God looking back at you, only it's not into blessed reassurance but this unspeakable forewarning. He, Elohim God has picked up this mightiest of all Ancient of Thrones, even Brazen Altar and has sat it, as to turn His Back at you, at them, and except you; even they plead the Blood of Jesus, never again will or even can He hear you, them. Now this silence, this stall of miraculous celebrations in heaven and a sunlight of God, moving from behind a mountain, indeed itself in heaven and speak like the days, Exodus of Moses, and I quote, "let my people go!" (America... exodus), awake, repent, escape in this order. Jesus' Millennium to God's Kingdom have been seen coming, Jesus' as recent as to follow Hussein Obama's depleted time table right into the final week of Daniel, again Apostle say, be aware as God Himself, see more here and here and here,

Early The Mighty

     -Repent Into Rapture see here, 

     -Four Sinners Prayers

     -So Which is it Nuclear War, Civil War, Yellow Stone, Storms Triple Katrina, Another Carrington Effect, Nibiru, A Pale Horse Horse Judgment And Lest I Forget, The Rapture? All of which are showing heighten activity and rising right now, All are coming in one manner or another, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links 

      -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb 

     -And They, The Rebellious, The Heathen Raging Will Know, I Am God 

     -Don't be deceived, even if you mean well, whatever cataclysms happening aren't temporary they are permanent, America, nor the West will return from any of it. Us currency, Us wealth will come worthless, simply gaining the world, without keeping Christ as head has caused them, while men everything. This is why despite how incalculably they fill their hands it is contently empty, as to reach for the wind, This is what King Solomon mean when he says, everything on this planet, evidently with the exception of worshiping God is vanity, are hands come empty, 
     -Jesus as always gave us the slightest hint when He asked what shall it profit a man, ( the American Dream), if he gain the whole world and lose his soul, further, what shall man give in exchange for his soul? He that save his life shall lose it, but he that lose (sacrifice),his life (its temporary curse), shall gain it forevermore (and the second death hath no power). 
     -Such truth make especially Westerners, making bloody wars against flesh, and blood some of the most religiously and politically misguided people on the planet, this world; they have forfeit their souls now abominations to judgments unimaginable reign. Then the next things you know, Holy Spirits are come to you, like Elohim come to a Father Abraham, it was to convince Him. As usual, God has heard the cries of Sodom, even Gomorrah, and other surrounding cities.
     -As so here recent, transgender restroom brawls, simply He's not gonna take it anymore, He is going to destroy America and literally, like Abraham's Sara at a later date, being convinced, even in her old age she would bare a son, I laughed, but it's America, it's God's own country. Soon and for days and days on end Holy Spirits visit you, there to convince you, nothing is too hard for God. Then you see supervisors climbing up telling builders all their work is done, so They say, take America's debt coming do, failed, banks, a demolished housing sector and lest you forget failed churches. 
     -Carefully but definitely meaning, God' has been charting the more recent come superpower's collapse not only since the days of Daniel, even the Apostle John, but since right here lately, I Apostle witnessed it all come to waste, now on to the fulfillment of the rest. Beyond any doubt, it's the sight of seeing beast tearing and chomping at them as they sat their peace getting porches, no more solace and safety, even despite Trump. Just as horribly so the eating and gorging of beast from their pulpits into their pews, making them once by the millions, now totally vacant. Such is the end time falling away, that maketh all treasured desolate, Such is the recent cry, how there's a bear in 120 countries/countries. 
     -Unthinkably for millennial, there is the greatest Demonic Beast of all beast, biblical prophecy has caused us to know him so well these thousands of years. It is of those two vicious of the vicious which rose one from land, one from sea just as Hussein Obama's. Then like his Administration off of Bush's holocaust on the axis of evil nothing Western Civilization would ever be the same. That especially for two weeks and seven years then greater desolation into oblivion, repent of the American Dream or perish from the New Age, God's Reign, that is come. 
     -I know AMTV and others like him mean well, but in the days of the Enron collapse, it's described attack, even way back then. Well I heard in my hearing and I quote, “drop your pension and get to the hills,” as so only a few years past, and i quote, how "the Antichrist will kill millions, as millions go broke." Deleting suddenly America's wealth is God's way of beginning to destroy this rebellious, to satanic, to demonic system since the days of a fallen Adam, of iron men right at the root of it's evil empire over the Genesis man, continuously see Rev. 17-18.. 
     -Poverty, like to love life to death and hell is all a curse, herein asked the young banker waking up in hell, not only distressed over this aching torment and thirst. Although that his yet living, equally greedy, grievous family members be warn, not to come to such a horrid place, why die, (forsake Christ), Live, (repent). So, so is money cursed, as cursed as new born flesh and blood when it's the root of all evil, all rebellious and corruption this world over. A stumbling block of iniquity is the love of money, disallowed the kingdom of Elohim. Except the Lord Jesus Christ Cross, whose builder and maker is God, 
     -Clearly the stone cut out without hands, King Nebuchadnezzar witness fall from heaven and crush to dust and wind all things rebellious men. So additionally as King Solomon hath said, except the Lord builds (Heads), except man's mind, (heart), is transformed by renewing Holy Spirits, those that labor without Christ as Lord over what's lived, loved and treasured, labor in vain. Surely the vision lately of seeing the word treasures, (Idolatry), all black and basted, When just as soon you find your reflection in the mirror of this Almighty God looking back at you, only it's not into blessed reassurance but this unspeakable forewarning. He, Elohim God has picked up this mightiest of all Ancient of Thrones, even it's Brazen Altar and has sat it, as to turn His Back at you, at them, and except you; even they plead the Blood of Jesus, never again will or even can He hear you, them. 
     -Now this silence, this stall of miraculous celebrations in heaven and a sunlight of God, moving from behind a mountain, indeed itself in heaven and speak like the days, Exodus of Moses, and I quote, "let my people go!" (America... exodus), awake, repent, escape in this order. Jesus' Millennium to God's Kingdom have been seen coming, Jesus' as recent as to follow Hussein Obama's depleted time table right into the final week of Daniel, again Apostle say, be aware as God Himself, see more here www.2017divinerelocation.blogspot.cand here and here,
when just as soon you find your reflection in the mirror of this Almighty God looking back at you. 


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