Apostle's Legends Of The Fall
Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?
Prophecy Links, 1986-2016/17
-The Fulfillment Of All Things Is Upon Mankind, The Angel Gabriel 534 BC, 2004, AD, Beware!
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate," herein the seeing of missiles impacting earth just as Bride Rose ito wings and clouds in heaven.
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, god is avenging righteous blood," (beware of the wine-press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and wine [the Bride, the Two Olives Branches, The 144,000, The Tribulation Saints), beware, Apb,
-Litty, Bitty, Thought Out Of His Head, Always Said, "Don't You Be No Fool," Satan As A Roar Lion, www,layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-What you all see of President Trump going around the world, being at that 'Wall,' may be historic in right, and there he has his reward, even his aim. I warn you, in the words of Jesus, "let no man," that's Pope, President nor Preacher etc deceive you, truly there is nothing biblical nor prophetic about any of what Trump is doing, this is the US presidential election that most of all should've been pound into repentant altars of Jesus Christ, right into a dramatic escape of all it's lands and cursed territories.
-This blessed Lord Crying a loud, I will cast whore-doms into a bed, it's lovers into great tribulation except they repent, I will kill their children with death," meaning we shouldn't be surprised by the youngest victim here, this bombing, just remember, 20,00 persons place their souls in danger, mostly because they on a constant play follow their leaders, what tangled crosses men reap unnecessarily.
-I been telling you before his, Trump's win, especially with Obama's Administration not only being declared 'the one,' but given the final two weeks and seven years left. Well, I could say of Western Civilization, but actually of the Dispensation of Grace and Church Age of a divine intent to evangelize the world over into Jesus, having lost both it's flavor and it's divine light, these blind leaders of the night. Not only did I see Jesus millennium follow Obama's, again deeming his, him a man of prediction, see Rev. 11:1, 2.
-This is why Apostle relentlessly declared Trumps's nothing more than a truexit, commissioning all in the listening distance of his voice to escape!. Herein the only end time prophecy he and his are capable of fulfilling would be the Apostle John hearing a voice lament, and I quote, "come out of her (Mystery America, Babylon), my people, and be not partakers of her sins (abominable, to detestable lives, lands and churches), in other word Americans need a Moses, to lead them this predicted Exodus not a Nimrod of high tower upon which I witness them greatly stranded. .
-What God's people should be seeing with this latest Manchester bombing and nations like Russia, China and N. Korea egging America as need be, as has been predestine along this tug of Nuclear war is that end time prophecy. Of which since 1998, includes an Asian invasion Us soil, just mater disasters that to claim tens of millions is what and even where it should be as we approach upon an extinction level event Us soil, by October 2017, "pray your flight (Trump/truexit, escape),isn't in the winter,", said precious Jesus..
-Herein, it, the fulfilling of biblical prophecy has no plan of relenting until the seventh angel trumpet sounds. Until it then celebrate that the kingdoms of men have now become the kingdoms of God and His Christ and they shall reign forever. Surely this witness of Jesus' come invasion of peace on earth. That's replacing the family of Obama's, of Americans dreaming nationally and internationally is yet evidence. That's of how man has worsen right into the days of Noah and Hitler;s Germany, finding themselves in beast territory. Don't be deceived by Trump's fake itinerary, his Presidency is as illegitimate as the conception of Ismail. With Ugency get to Jesus and see your way up and out of it into celebrations and mansions in heaven,
-This is why when Americans cried to Trump, make America great again, the response from biblical fulfilling was and I qwuote "yours is nuclear faith," (meanung people should be stamping out of this country like those seen this video, this now damn concert, it is over). When they choose Trump specifically to bring peace and safety US soil, a call went out instead how all parents where to be killed by, how all schools, these transgender traps for children spreading their genocide far and wide were to be finished. This is all why I witness a fury come into God's face regarding a Trump/Pence ticket, again, let not man, presidential world leader, it's fake itinerary deceive you.
-This is equally why not since the rise of Hussein Obama, those two beast of the book of revelation 13, that I, Apostle had an entire night of dreaming the Antichrist reign, heard a voice remind me, as iit did in 2002 how 50 million people are projected to die soon, only the beginning, Us soil. Trump's presidency, God being so ngry at their unbleif that he sends them a strong delusion that all might be damn who believe not in the truth of God's righteousness make Trump so animated. That all you can hear is Jesus crying aloud right now, and I quote, "once you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate standing the holy place, as I said, this unthinkable evil for America and Americans, their one signal of proof to run, to get out of here,this their greatest of whoredom, the legalization of same sex marriage into the world over. ''
Stop trying to raise the dead, this is one that isn't coming back even with fasting and prayer, seek god;s altar that is Chirst's Cross for the salvation of your souls, The hand writing on the wall out of Jeremiah 37:8, 1998, pretty much cries the terroist are coming and won't relent until they burn our sities to the ground. So these concerts, night clubs and all other places of mass assembly is the prophetic word crying aloud and I quote, "for when they shall say peace and safety and sudden destruction cometh upon them," Twenty thousand people, men, women and children believed peace and safety is their destiny not only as humans but as Westerners, even as they dawn this concert only to suffer, what they will suffer continuously which is sudden destruction. Rebellion aganist God, is this relentless stubbornness, America, the West to challenge God's Will's to wrath against all who won't relent.
This is possibly why lately, why all of it, all gathering of mass assembly for whatever reason, even with good intentions was forewarn like in 1998, to get to alters of repentance, that God is avenging, (sentencing all blood guiltiness with death and judgment),Martyred blood, in few words, pound it all into Jesus' Cross, there is no other reconciliation, So additionally let me tell you Trump or any other world leader standing before the world labeling terrorist cowards, I mean don't they know by now that's like a compliment to them, they do what they do to get this manner of attention. You constantly putting yourself in harms way by the thousands, even the hundreds of thousands at a time, even why I witness this kinds of attacks in Us churches, how is that not a perfect target for them? All apostle can say, acting so invincible, just be ready with your souls belonging to Jesus, the only authentic escape being up and out with Him, with the saving grace of Jesus..
-Remember, Jer. 37:8 1998, what I deem America, the West hand writing on the wall, pretty much warning the terrorist are coming, as so the pile up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, being amed a dirty Mede, agian the placing of end time events a Revised Assyrian Empire, justs as Daniel prophesied,with Egypt gone prior and Babylon, Medo Persia,,Grecia and Rome, all having territorial beast affecting the earth all their own. As so you with me this witness, of terrorists factions being offered wedding rings all to elevate their cause to rid the world of what they call the infidel The dream of Syed Farook, a pending couple of terrorist, taking the lead is again this sickening reminder these evils have arrived here, and every title of a projected peace and safety will be gravely stalked by every ounce of vengeful blood within.
-Said forewarnings of tumbling Syeds go right into the song lately, right out of the movie, 'little shop of horrors,' perfect title right? What terrorist are empowered and determined to make of apostate lives, lands and churches. Lest I forget, the granting of the 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour, it is where I was demonstrated of persons of the Us military haviing their navels clapped upon by these huge pulleys that released and tore them into parts, all while theu loved ones happy along their Americab Dream, Hence the cry 2004, before Obama, being declared "the one," and given the two weeks and seven years of what remained of America, the West; before Cameron's Brexit into a revised along the end time ten heads of Daniel and Revelations.
-Herein Apostle quote, "America, Britian, separate them into itty, bitty pieces (in other words eliminate them along dust particles whose fan is in Jesus hand), You see, this curse of God, to Jesus wrath, for that is what terrorist have made of America's and the world going to and fro about this earth a sthough all is normal, Just this strange curse of delusions disguised as a trustworthy, safe-haven United Sataes of America only sudden destruction into one cataclysms after another is on this constant to be had by them,
And I Heard In My Hearung, 1998, 2017, "get ye to altars of Jesus Chirst, go is avenging martyred blood," (be ware of the wine press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and wine), Apb
Apostle's Note, The Lamb's Book Of Life, Was Open, Rev. 20
-Earth's Troubles, Gods Trumpet, Jesus' Rescue Wings, Millennium
-World, war three is knocking at our doors is the title of this video, whereas the ill realization of this approaching extinction level event isn't only the proposed multi ton elephant but that of a tell, tale of insurmountable leaning into Apocalypse as Noah's ark that's as well painstakingly all around us of forth telling catastrophes Truly not only have biblical prophecy for these thousands of years into this present second forewarn us of these now pending with this world's end cataclysms beginning here Us soil, but they, end time prophecy has gone as far as to remind us of the manner of lackadaisical spirit, as is obvious, all human kind would be in, thus the portrayal of a slow motion exodus that is the world's refugees.
-I contend like the days of Noah, and it's obvious prerequisite to unthinkable dangers there is no way mankind is caught unaware, but as those with a whatever will be will be attitude until said horrors are. Suddenly tens of millions are either dead, missing and or running for their lives, only there is a worse thing than being dead, and that's being sentenced to the lake of fires having forsaken Christ, by the Great White Throne Judgment of Elohim God. I know it's literally impossible to hear about America's desolations into complete deletion, it was hard for Apostle as well now these twenty plus years, endlessly these forewarnings, America, the West being brought to an end.
-Like you, like most people, especially Americans, said revelations come to me at a time, like Moses' Egypt I thought America too powerful even for God, I know how ridiculous that sound, but everyone reading this message who isn't packing for those nation's boarding Western allies around this planet and getting themselves, their's out, then you as well is being deluded along such foolish thinking. Honestly time for evacuation done ran out as surely as the Hussein Obama's predestined two weeks and seven years Presidential Administration 2008-2015, so am I saying it's too late, too late is when you dead without Christ, beware!.
-See more below, it explain Jesus telling disciples, how world ending troubles must be, in other words, His Millennium Reign, it's peace on earth for a thousand years will be only as rebellious man's warmongering (battling into Armageddon), end for all time and Satan is locked away it's entire duration.
Article... North Korea Provocation: The Background and Context You’re Not Being Told... Articles...Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:49
And There Shall Be Wars In Various Places, The Fulfillment Of All Things, Angel Gabriel 2004, www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-Thus and so as should be, if the four Continents to nations 2002, I saw in a block. Just as so I heard in my hearing, then and just prior to Trump's inauguration that 50 million will die. Meaning Asia, America, Japan nor Russia the four I saw in a block again 2002, the four here, 2017, prophetically warmongering along this tug of nuclear war. Surely none of such approaching Apocalypse are to let us creep back into hibernation's of false security, even of Trump building these magical walls .Surely only an enemy of God and man would do such, cast us so unaware, especially when the worse of trials and tribulations ever, or ever again are visibly knocking as to kick in our doors crying for blood, how it want tons more.
Seen to be seeing men in orange hazmat jumpsuits just burst in our doors, (the pale horse of pestilence, claiming a quarter of earth's inhabitants is come 2001-2017), Beware, Apb
-This is only the ancient of carnivorous appetite, once commanded of it's great iron teeth Daniel's prophecies all these millennia to rise and eat much flesh. Just now is come the reminder of God's end time wine press, more so right now, this weight of human toll. That's to measure 175 miles of guilty blood, meaning as well millions of lives, crying aloud only a week past of God's long suffering and I quote, "get ye to Repentant Altars," God is avenging Martyred Blood." l looked into a dream lately, it was as though I was watching someone playing a puzzle, whereas the word 'Now,' was being moved about such the game board.
-That's this single word reset until it was brought to rest along side the word jugement, as in "judgment now." Furthermore a few nights past were dreams about courting Keanu Reeves, of possibly the human family as never before, flirting with tremendous dangers seen coming, threatening from Above, beware, Apb, The RAM, www.thelightofbeowulf2017.blogspot.com
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Two Hundred and seventy-two 05/312017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, www.2016theauthenticparable.blogspot.com
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Two Hundred and seventy-two 05/312017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, www.2016theauthenticparable.blogspot.com
-Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Repent Into The Rapture
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B11d60-TEns&t=44s see here, http://repentintorapture17.blogspot.com Prophecy Link -And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate, fifty million will die, get ye to repentant alters, God is avenging martyred blood," (beware of the wine press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and the wine), -And I Heard In My Hearing, 2004, “the Antichrist is to kill millions, as millions go broke,” (see the Enron attack that killed many), drop your pensions and get to the hills, 2001, Apb -And I Heard In My Hearing, 2005, “God said, He (the wine press of God), now active Us soil, will kill millions,” (and I heard in my hearing, “get ye to repent altars, God is avenging martyred blood,” 2017), beware, God's Trump is Ascension to Heaven, America's Trump is a Truexit, the end of Western Rule, repent, escape! Jesus' Millennium Reign, Apb,
Repent Into The Rapture
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B11d60-TEns&t=44s see here, http://repentintorapture17.blogspot.com Prophecy Link -And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate, fifty million will die, get ye to repentant alters, God is avenging martyred blood," (beware of the wine press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and the wine), -And I Heard In My Hearing, 2004, “the Antichrist is to kill millions, as millions go broke,” (see the Enron attack that killed many), drop your pensions and get to the hills, 2001, Apb -And I Heard In My Hearing, 2005, “God said, He (the wine press of God), now active Us soil, will kill millions,” (and I heard in my hearing, “get ye to repent altars, God is avenging martyred blood,” 2017), beware, God's Trump is Ascension to Heaven, America's Trump is a Truexit, the end of Western Rule, repent, escape! Jesus' Millennium Reign, Apb,
She Has In Her Possession The Stone Cut Out Without Hands
often wondered what will America appear to be as the leader of a
world exodus, demonstrated by this ministry parables these 31 spring,
what made this demonstration so viable? Those first evacuated into a
Paradisaical by God's grace, by global warming of the African
continent weren't only young genesis marriage worshiper, but sixteen
years into their birth, 1996, place this beginning to escape of
millions unknowingly around the Mayan Calendar surrounding the break
up of all civilized nations around the year 2012.
escape is like five years behind this prophecy. Did I know I was
doing this no, I barely used any dates in this work, the marriage
worshipers are the descendants of my first parable, beast of beauty,
of Apostle's attempt to place the genesis marriage again long the
glorious light upon which it was created. More so than the growing
popularity of day time soap operas, to lifetime nets works, to the
worsening of the Godman, talk shows, to prime-time television all now
descended into a perpetual cesspool proven to be genocide of the
Genesis man, now the legalization of same-sex marriage.
have testified and possibly will again, who we the Bride stayed in a
the second heavens, possibly what was once Satan's and Fallen Angels
territories, now those of God, his Christ, and now the reigning
Bride. Just as the God's Throne and heaven's incalculable host, from
this high place we watched as it all, their treasured about descended
into one branch of anarchy after another until not only where their
millions dead, Us soil, but possibly billions the world, we, the
rising mightily into the heavens bride, we were witnesses of Nuclear
missiles being launched again as we ascended further up. The point
being, doing the first second into the seven years the Bride
ascension, America, western civilization will cease to exist into
first Islamic, Shariah reign into that of the Antichrist, for which I
cry, blessed is he who come in the name of Elohim God, amen, awake,
Apb, The RAM. http://legendsofthefallapb17.blogspot.com
I listen to a you tube video yesterday, 06/02/2017,
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfxH9w7SrPk&t=1s), warning
people not to be distracted by the Paris climate situation. Instead,
they're to be more enlighten regarding Russia's Weapon, the Satan 2,
a beyond weapon of mass destruction that can kill 4 million people
instantly, the California coast.
nuclear fallout will continue actually wiping it from the map, a
presumption even more curious, for doing a fly over the country. One
primary thing was notable. Honestly, California just wasn't there
anymore, the White House was in tremendous flames, the Kennedy Space
Center, etc. etc, you've heard it all before these 31 springs, beware
is the word for every second we're not with Christ, Trump is a
Truexit, escape, Apb, The Watch Man,
I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate, get ye to
repentant alters, God is avenging martyred blood, thus the finished
word puzzled, warning, "Judgment Now!" (beware of the wine
press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and the wine), Apb,
Did God Curse King Nebuchadnezzar With Seven Years Of Madness and
Reduced Him To The Mind Of A Wild Animal Lost In A Wilderness? One
Clue, Rebellion, Trump's Is A Truexit, Escape!
To Be Seeing Michael Clark Duncan Singing Armageddon In A Wilderness,
What, When The Fat Man Sings Indeed,
tempted at all points as we are, is the one who brought us the gospel
of sinlessness, who made us believe we had a choice in this. Then He
choose to lay down His sacred Life Blood to make it all possible,
that we become less cursed flesh and more Holy Spirit into ascension.
That even on the promise of His Cross, Jesus encouraged people He
healed to move into a sinless lifestyle or further perish, meaning
whether to sin is yet a choice; once you make it, to forfeit this
evil world, yes even America and live godly/righteously/.
it is here Holy Spirits (Heavens Host, Ps. 91), are there to empower
us heart, blood, soul to holy lifestyles. Beware, this is for as long
as we choose a path of sinlessness, a righteous seed roots and ground
us into Christ, as Christ Jesus, thus Christian. Again, Holy Spirits
are there anointing and empowering us with the same grace granted
Jesus, (see Rom. 6, Ephs. 4). I tell you the truth, like Jesus,
Christians don't sin, (die), they ascend, put ye on the whole armor
of God, not even the gates of hell can now prevail against the born
again, remaining, see more here, Rom. 12:1, 2, I Jhn. 3, see
www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com .
Prophecy Links, 1986-2016/17
-The Fulfillment Of All Things Is Upon Mankind, The Angel Gabriel 534 BC, 2004, AD, Beware!
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate," herein the seeing of missiles impacting earth just as Bride Rose ito wings and clouds in heaven.
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, god is avenging righteous blood," (beware of the wine-press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and wine [the Bride, the Two Olives Branches, The 144,000, The Tribulation Saints), beware, Apb,
-Litty, Bitty, Thought Out Of His Head, Always Said, "Don't You Be No Fool," Satan As A Roar Lion, www,layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-What you all see of President Trump going around the world, being at that 'Wall,' may be historic in right, and there he has his reward, even his aim. I warn you, in the words of Jesus, "let no man," that's Pope, President nor Preacher etc deceive you, truly there is nothing biblical nor prophetic about any of what Trump is doing, this is the US presidential election that most of all should've been pound into repentant altars of Jesus Christ, right into a dramatic escape of all it's lands and cursed territories.
-This blessed Lord Crying a loud, I will cast whore-doms into a bed, it's lovers into great tribulation except they repent, I will kill their children with death," meaning we shouldn't be surprised by the youngest victim here, this bombing, just remember, 20,00 persons place their souls in danger, mostly because they on a constant play follow their leaders, what tangled crosses men reap unnecessarily.
-I been telling you before his, Trump's win, especially with Obama's Administration not only being declared 'the one,' but given the final two weeks and seven years left. Well, I could say of Western Civilization, but actually of the Dispensation of Grace and Church Age of a divine intent to evangelize the world over into Jesus, having lost both it's flavor and it's divine light, these blind leaders of the night. Not only did I see Jesus millennium follow Obama's, again deeming his, him a man of prediction, see Rev. 11:1, 2.
-This is why Apostle relentlessly declared Trumps's nothing more than a truexit, commissioning all in the listening distance of his voice to escape!. Herein the only end time prophecy he and his are capable of fulfilling would be the Apostle John hearing a voice lament, and I quote, "come out of her (Mystery America, Babylon), my people, and be not partakers of her sins (abominable, to detestable lives, lands and churches), in other word Americans need a Moses, to lead them this predicted Exodus not a Nimrod of high tower upon which I witness them greatly stranded. .
-What God's people should be seeing with this latest Manchester bombing and nations like Russia, China and N. Korea egging America as need be, as has been predestine along this tug of Nuclear war is that end time prophecy. Of which since 1998, includes an Asian invasion Us soil, just mater disasters that to claim tens of millions is what and even where it should be as we approach upon an extinction level event Us soil, by October 2017, "pray your flight (Trump/truexit, escape),isn't in the winter,", said precious Jesus..
-Herein, it, the fulfilling of biblical prophecy has no plan of relenting until the seventh angel trumpet sounds. Until it then celebrate that the kingdoms of men have now become the kingdoms of God and His Christ and they shall reign forever. Surely this witness of Jesus' come invasion of peace on earth. That's replacing the family of Obama's, of Americans dreaming nationally and internationally is yet evidence. That's of how man has worsen right into the days of Noah and Hitler;s Germany, finding themselves in beast territory. Don't be deceived by Trump's fake itinerary, his Presidency is as illegitimate as the conception of Ismail. With Ugency get to Jesus and see your way up and out of it into celebrations and mansions in heaven,
-This is why when Americans cried to Trump, make America great again, the response from biblical fulfilling was and I qwuote "yours is nuclear faith," (meanung people should be stamping out of this country like those seen this video, this now damn concert, it is over). When they choose Trump specifically to bring peace and safety US soil, a call went out instead how all parents where to be killed by, how all schools, these transgender traps for children spreading their genocide far and wide were to be finished. This is all why I witness a fury come into God's face regarding a Trump/Pence ticket, again, let not man, presidential world leader, it's fake itinerary deceive you.
-This is equally why not since the rise of Hussein Obama, those two beast of the book of revelation 13, that I, Apostle had an entire night of dreaming the Antichrist reign, heard a voice remind me, as iit did in 2002 how 50 million people are projected to die soon, only the beginning, Us soil. Trump's presidency, God being so ngry at their unbleif that he sends them a strong delusion that all might be damn who believe not in the truth of God's righteousness make Trump so animated. That all you can hear is Jesus crying aloud right now, and I quote, "once you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate standing the holy place, as I said, this unthinkable evil for America and Americans, their one signal of proof to run, to get out of here,this their greatest of whoredom, the legalization of same sex marriage into the world over. ''
Stop trying to raise the dead, this is one that isn't coming back even with fasting and prayer, seek god;s altar that is Chirst's Cross for the salvation of your souls, The hand writing on the wall out of Jeremiah 37:8, 1998, pretty much cries the terroist are coming and won't relent until they burn our sities to the ground. So these concerts, night clubs and all other places of mass assembly is the prophetic word crying aloud and I quote, "for when they shall say peace and safety and sudden destruction cometh upon them," Twenty thousand people, men, women and children believed peace and safety is their destiny not only as humans but as Westerners, even as they dawn this concert only to suffer, what they will suffer continuously which is sudden destruction. Rebellion aganist God, is this relentless stubbornness, America, the West to challenge God's Will's to wrath against all who won't relent.
This is possibly why lately, why all of it, all gathering of mass assembly for whatever reason, even with good intentions was forewarn like in 1998, to get to alters of repentance, that God is avenging, (sentencing all blood guiltiness with death and judgment),Martyred blood, in few words, pound it all into Jesus' Cross, there is no other reconciliation, So additionally let me tell you Trump or any other world leader standing before the world labeling terrorist cowards, I mean don't they know by now that's like a compliment to them, they do what they do to get this manner of attention. You constantly putting yourself in harms way by the thousands, even the hundreds of thousands at a time, even why I witness this kinds of attacks in Us churches, how is that not a perfect target for them? All apostle can say, acting so invincible, just be ready with your souls belonging to Jesus, the only authentic escape being up and out with Him, with the saving grace of Jesus..
-Remember, Jer. 37:8 1998, what I deem America, the West hand writing on the wall, pretty much warning the terrorist are coming, as so the pile up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, being amed a dirty Mede, agian the placing of end time events a Revised Assyrian Empire, justs as Daniel prophesied,with Egypt gone prior and Babylon, Medo Persia,,Grecia and Rome, all having territorial beast affecting the earth all their own. As so you with me this witness, of terrorists factions being offered wedding rings all to elevate their cause to rid the world of what they call the infidel The dream of Syed Farook, a pending couple of terrorist, taking the lead is again this sickening reminder these evils have arrived here, and every title of a projected peace and safety will be gravely stalked by every ounce of vengeful blood within.
-Said forewarnings of tumbling Syeds go right into the song lately, right out of the movie, 'little shop of horrors,' perfect title right? What terrorist are empowered and determined to make of apostate lives, lands and churches. Lest I forget, the granting of the 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour, it is where I was demonstrated of persons of the Us military haviing their navels clapped upon by these huge pulleys that released and tore them into parts, all while theu loved ones happy along their Americab Dream, Hence the cry 2004, before Obama, being declared "the one," and given the two weeks and seven years of what remained of America, the West; before Cameron's Brexit into a revised along the end time ten heads of Daniel and Revelations.
-Herein Apostle quote, "America, Britian, separate them into itty, bitty pieces (in other words eliminate them along dust particles whose fan is in Jesus hand), You see, this curse of God, to Jesus wrath, for that is what terrorist have made of America's and the world going to and fro about this earth a sthough all is normal, Just this strange curse of delusions disguised as a trustworthy, safe-haven United Sataes of America only sudden destruction into one cataclysms after another is on this constant to be had by them,
And I Heard In My Hearung, 1998, 2017, "get ye to altars of Jesus Chirst, go is avenging martyred blood," (be ware of the wine press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and wine), Apb
Apostle's Note, The Lamb's Book Of Life, Was Open, Rev. 20
said that to say this, there is one prophetic itinerary we, human
kind, earth's inhabitants need concern themselves with, and right now
prophetically, just as I knew 2003, Rev. 11:1, 2, a Hussein world
reign US soil and
coming. Again as has been foretold, prophetically, the Bride is so
far removed from this earth, she was witnessed lately as this
celebrated One. Miraculously participating in what John described,
Rev. 20, as the Lamb's Book of life being open, only this present
Apostle witnessed a roll call into a divine census taking being made
of it's ancient pages, inscriptions. Beware,
for whosoever name wasn't found in the Lamb's Book of life, these
thousands of years of ministries Christ's Cross, was tossed in the
lake which burneth with fire.,
fulfillment of bible prophecy, as the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn is
going on mightily all while earth's inhabitants play save the
American dream, this tug of nuclear war threatening all human beings.
Clearly, ye are of your father Satan, a liar from the beginning
remember and America like it's host, cast as a murdering thief, come
but for to assist earth's inhabitants into the forfeiting of their
immortal souls, beware always, Apb, see more here,
-World, war three is knocking at our doors is the title of this video, whereas the ill realization of this approaching extinction level event isn't only the proposed multi ton elephant but that of a tell, tale of insurmountable leaning into Apocalypse as Noah's ark that's as well painstakingly all around us of forth telling catastrophes Truly not only have biblical prophecy for these thousands of years into this present second forewarn us of these now pending with this world's end cataclysms beginning here Us soil, but they, end time prophecy has gone as far as to remind us of the manner of lackadaisical spirit, as is obvious, all human kind would be in, thus the portrayal of a slow motion exodus that is the world's refugees.
-I contend like the days of Noah, and it's obvious prerequisite to unthinkable dangers there is no way mankind is caught unaware, but as those with a whatever will be will be attitude until said horrors are. Suddenly tens of millions are either dead, missing and or running for their lives, only there is a worse thing than being dead, and that's being sentenced to the lake of fires having forsaken Christ, by the Great White Throne Judgment of Elohim God. I know it's literally impossible to hear about America's desolations into complete deletion, it was hard for Apostle as well now these twenty plus years, endlessly these forewarnings, America, the West being brought to an end.
-Like you, like most people, especially Americans, said revelations come to me at a time, like Moses' Egypt I thought America too powerful even for God, I know how ridiculous that sound, but everyone reading this message who isn't packing for those nation's boarding Western allies around this planet and getting themselves, their's out, then you as well is being deluded along such foolish thinking. Honestly time for evacuation done ran out as surely as the Hussein Obama's predestined two weeks and seven years Presidential Administration 2008-2015, so am I saying it's too late, too late is when you dead without Christ, beware!.
-See more below, it explain Jesus telling disciples, how world ending troubles must be, in other words, His Millennium Reign, it's peace on earth for a thousand years will be only as rebellious man's warmongering (battling into Armageddon), end for all time and Satan is locked away it's entire duration.
Article... North Korea Provocation: The Background and Context You’re Not Being Told... Articles...Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:49
And There Shall Be Wars In Various Places, The Fulfillment Of All Things, Angel Gabriel 2004, www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-Thus and so as should be, if the four Continents to nations 2002, I saw in a block. Just as so I heard in my hearing, then and just prior to Trump's inauguration that 50 million will die. Meaning Asia, America, Japan nor Russia the four I saw in a block again 2002, the four here, 2017, prophetically warmongering along this tug of nuclear war. Surely none of such approaching Apocalypse are to let us creep back into hibernation's of false security, even of Trump building these magical walls .Surely only an enemy of God and man would do such, cast us so unaware, especially when the worse of trials and tribulations ever, or ever again are visibly knocking as to kick in our doors crying for blood, how it want tons more.
Seen to be seeing men in orange hazmat jumpsuits just burst in our doors, (the pale horse of pestilence, claiming a quarter of earth's inhabitants is come 2001-2017), Beware, Apb
-This is only the ancient of carnivorous appetite, once commanded of it's great iron teeth Daniel's prophecies all these millennia to rise and eat much flesh. Just now is come the reminder of God's end time wine press, more so right now, this weight of human toll. That's to measure 175 miles of guilty blood, meaning as well millions of lives, crying aloud only a week past of God's long suffering and I quote, "get ye to Repentant Altars," God is avenging Martyred Blood." l looked into a dream lately, it was as though I was watching someone playing a puzzle, whereas the word 'Now,' was being moved about such the game board.
-That's this single word reset until it was brought to rest along side the word jugement, as in "judgment now." Furthermore a few nights past were dreams about courting Keanu Reeves, of possibly the human family as never before, flirting with tremendous dangers seen coming, threatening from Above, beware, Apb, The RAM, www.thelightofbeowulf2017.blogspot.com
Note: www.lonelyteardrop15.blogspot.com
-As I said, I had a night of dreaming the Antichrist reign just as Trump's inauguration approached, unlike anything I've had since Senator Hussein Obama's bid for the identical world post. Remember, it was just shy of a Pence debate, that I sensed the same fury, God, Himself, described to the Prophet Ezekiel, how a fury would come into his face regarding the rise of Gog and Magog, The two beast of Rev. 17, of which Apostle witness rise, one from land, one from sea,2008, just as Obama's pending two weeks and seven years administration, right into Cameron's pending as well Brexit, woe, woe, and woe!,
-Article... Clinton Insider, Larry Nichols— the man who exposed numerous Clinton scandals including Monica Lewinsky, Whitewater and others—shares some of the most critical, crucial and concise information about what’s about to slap America and President Trump dead in the face. Everything from a FEMA provisional takeover, to planned civil riots; it’s all coming to a climactic end…UNLESS we the people take action.. Article...
I Will Laugh When Your Fear Cometh, God's Judgment Is Now! Right Now!
-'Unless we the people take action,' undoubtedly Lisa you mean like I forewarn how voting booths, Trump's pending administration, should've been pound into repentant altars of Jesus Christ/Cross, an end of America, the West is upon us.
Or is it like the people of Noah's day into those of Sodom and Gomorrah halting God's judgment by doing something other than seeking His pardon Jesus' Blood and getting themselves to safety; like running for their and their loved ones lives clearly toward destinations other than anything Us to Western soil.
-This is happening Lisa and you and all Americans are left like the days of Noah, into those of Father Abraham and Moses the greatest deliverer since that One come Jesus, asking the question and I quote "will you," (wine press of God Us soil), "destroy the righteous with the unrighteous? I don''t know if you realize it, but the call that parents be killed, was a call that all parents be killed. Meaning it's like doing a backward swim into a said death bringer which isn't that different than the grim reaper Moses Egypt's soil.
-Those cataclysms who were per their leader's disobedience, that targeted first born Egyptians and Hebrews only like present with one exception. That only those safe-guarded, Grace of God, so by the blood of a particular Lamb slain for His deity of Blood. Resoundingly, get ye to Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, only of it's divine kind given under heaven that the greatest of death tolls come this earth ever not only pass over His Anointed, but ascend them right into wedding suppers and mansions in heaven.
-Again Lisa, those people reading here, this is happening, right now, said end time prophecy will not relent until Jesus Himself, The Bride, Archangel Michael and Heaven's Armies with Him. That's all land as prophesied these thousands of years, as was demonstrated to me as to lay Jesus' feet, all come to the mount of Olivet. Miraculously, even tumultuously freeing not only a gravely defeated Israel, but a severely battered world from the reign of Antichrist, Gog, Magog and Hamon-gog, their pending defeat, whereas hundreds of millions are dead and America, the West are little mention or heard of ever again, blessed is He, Jesus who come in the name of the Lord Elohim, beware, Apb, The RAM, see here, www.legendsofthefall17.blogspot.com
Apostle's Note, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com
: -And I Heard In My Hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging Martyred Blood," beware of the wine-press of God, www.persecutionblog.com
-Take up Shield and Buckler And Stand Up For Our Help www.lonelyteardrop15.blogspot.com -I was channel surfing, well just a few days ago, I'm visiting my sister and Joel Olsten is on and he's trying his best Lord Jesus he;p to teach on Jesus as Lord. All I can say is he appeared as a duck out of water, it was easily to hear, to hear not see, but hear, he had not so learned Jesus Christ. Not as a Christian born again, living only as the Holy Spirit lived through him, Jesus His Lord. -It was years ago, I was channel surfing, I kept running across these masses in assembly, when just as so Lyn I heard Holy Spirit say and I quote, "these people need to fall in love with God," ye must be born again. The same people Holy Spirit described lately as those who need to pound themselves into the dust, I assume as a seed, Jesus said only then can it this seed now dead and buried come forth as a great harvest. -Assuredly this is the generation of apostate assembly, Jesus Himself will declare, "I never knew you, you that worked iniquity." It was the year of our lord 1998 these same people where forewarn to get instead to Pastors and ministries of Chirst, to learn of event times events, for a darkness, then pending was coming,, beware, God isn't mocked, whatsoever one sows, that shall he also reap, beware, see here, www.2015jesuscomeknocking.blogspot.com
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate," herein the seeing of missiles impacting earth just as Bride Rose ito wings and clouds in heaven.
-Earth's Troubles, Gods Trumpet, Jesus' Rescue Wings, Millennium
-World, war three is knocking at our doors is the title of this video, whereas the ill realization of this approaching extinction level event isn't only the proposed multi ton elephant but that of a tell, tale of insurmountable leaning into Apocalypse as Noah's ark that's as well painstakingly all around us of forth telling catastrophes Truly not only have biblical prophecy for these thousands of years into this present second forewarn us of these now pending with this world's end cataclysms beginning here Us soil, but they, end time prophecy has gone as far as to remind us of the manner of lackadaisical spirit, as is obvious, all human kind would be in, thus the portrayal of a slow motion exodus that is the world's refugees.
-I contend like the days of Noah, and it's obvious prerequisite to unthinkable dangers there is no way mankind is caught unaware, but as those with a whatever will be will be attitude until said horrors are. Suddenly tens of millions are either dead, missing and or running for their lives, only there is a worse thing than being dead, and that's being sentenced to the lake of fires having forsaken Christ, by the Great White Throne Judgment of Elohim God. I know it's literally impossible to hear about America's desolations into complete deletion, it was hard for Apostle as well now these twenty plus years, endlessly these forewarnings, America, the West being brought to an end.
-Like you, like most people, especially Americans, said revelations come to me at a time, like Moses' Egypt I thought America too powerful even for God, I know how ridiculous that sound, but everyone reading this message who isn't packing for those nation's boarding Western allies around this planet and getting themselves, their's out, then you as well is being deluded along such foolish thinking. Honestly time for evacuation done ran out as surely as the Hussein Obama's predestined two weeks and seven years Presidential Administration 2008-2015, so am I saying it's too late, too late is when you dead without Christ, beware!.
-See more below, it explain Jesus telling disciples, how world ending troubles must be, in other words, His Millennium Reign, it's peace on earth for a thousand years will be only as rebellious man's warmongering (battling into Armageddon), end for all time and Satan is locked away it's entire duration.
Article... North Korea Provocation: The Background and Context You’re Not Being Told \
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:49
And There Shall Be Wars In Various Places, The Fulfillment Of All Things, Angel Gabriel 2004
-Thus and so as should be, if the four Continents to nations 2002, I saw in a block. Just as so I heard in my hearing, then and just prior to Trump's inauguration that 50 million will die. Meaning Asia, America, Japan nor Russia the four I saw in a block again 2002, the four here, 2017, prophetically warmongering along this tug of nuclear war. Surely none of such approaching Apocalypse are to let us creep back into hibernation's of false security, even of Trump building these magical walls .Surely only an enemy of God and man would do such, cast us so unaware, especially when the worse of trials and tribulations ever, or ever again are visibly knocking as to kick in our doors crying for blood, how it want tons more.
Seen to be seeing men in orange hazmat jumpsuits just burst in our doors, (the pale horse of pestilence, claiming a quarter of earth's inhabitants is come 2001-2017), Beware, Apb
-This is only the ancient of carnivorous appetite, once commanded of it's great iron teeth Daniel's prophecies all these millennia to rise and eat much flesh. Just now is come the reminder of God's end time wine press, more so right now, this weight of human toll. That's to measure 175 miles of guilty blood, meaning as well millions of lives, crying aloud only a week past of God's long suffering and I quote, "get ye to Repentant Altars," God is avenging Martyred Blood." l looked into a dream lately, it was as though I was watching someone playing a puzzle, whereas the word 'Now,' was being moved about such the game board.
-That's this single word reset until it was brought to rest along side the word jugement, as in "judgment now." Furthermore a few nights past were dreams about courting Keanu Reeves, of possibly the human family as never before, flirting with tremendous dangers seen coming, threatening from Above, beware, Apb, The RAM, www.thelightofbeowulf2017.blogspot.com
-Jesus said there shall not be left one stone upon another, remember, so this wall standing is in total transgression of end time prophecy. Even an act of idolatry, those gods having eyes, ears and a form, but like their followers are blind, deaf and vain. Howbeit, that said warning was around the same time Jesus was correcting early discilpes, being so excited about the temple building, not to let any man deceive them. Even you, Christ is Lord, everything gone before Him thieves and robbers, religious to political reign disguised as peace and safety, only now into the end is sudden destruction 2001-2017 threatening tens of millions Us soil, into world wide, beware, Apb, see www.legendsofthefall17.blogspot.com
Repent Into The Rapture
see here, http://repentintorapture17.blogspot.com
Prophecy Link
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate, fifty million will die, get ye to repentant alters, God is avenging martyred blood," (beware of the wine press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and the wine), Apb,
-I've often wondered what will America appear to be as the leader of a world exodus, demonstrated by this ministry parables these 31 springs, (www.thejuttahseptennial15.blogspot.com www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com) what made this demonstration so viable? Those first evacuated into a Paradisaical by God's Grace, by global warming to end time Apocalypse out of the African continent weren't only young Genesis (God/Jesus), Marriage Worshiper. Though, sixteen years into their birth, 1996, place this beginning to escape of millions unknowingly around the Mayan Calendar surrounding the break up of all civilized nations around the year 2012.
-Which is to say urgency of escape, of this slow motion exodus is like five years behind this well anticipated prophecy. Did I know I was doing this? No, only the Holy Spirit, I barely used any dates in this work, the marriage worshipers are the descendants of my first parable, Beast of Beauty, of Apostle's attempt. That's to place the Genesis Marriage (God's Eden, Christ's Cross) again, along the glorious light upon which it was created, the foundation of this world. An approaching blessed hope, more so than the growing popularity of damning, divorcing, whoring characters of day time soap operas, to lifetime nets works, to the worsening of the Genesis' marriage, the talk shows of human disorganization. Right into abominable prime-time television, all these wicked devices now descended into a perpetual cesspool, Easily proven to be an attempt since the days of Noah of Satan's attempt to genocide the Genesis man, the legalization of same-sex marriage, the beginning, to the end God forbid of the abominations that make the Holy of Holies (Christ Bloody Cross), desolate, (insignificant).
-I have testified and possibly will again, how we the Bride stayed in the second heavens, possibly what was once Satan's and Fallen Angels territories, now those of God, his Christ, and now the reigning Bride. Just as God's Throne and heaven's incalculable host, from this high place we watch as it all, their greatest treasures above God descended into one branch of anarchy after another. Right until not only were there millions dead, Us soil, but possibly billions the world over. We, the rising mightily into the heavens Bride, we were witnesses of Nuclear missiles being launched again as we ascended further up. The point being, doing the first second into the seven years the Bride ascension, America, Western Civilization will cease to exist into first an Islamic, Shariah law reign; into that of the Antichrist, for which I cry, blessed is he who come in the name of Elohim God, amen, awake, Apb, The RAM, see more here, http://legendsofthefallapb17.blogspot.com
-As I said, I had a night of dreaming the Antichrist reign just as Trump's inauguration approached, unlike anything I've had since Senator Hussein Obama's bid for the identical world post. Remember, it was just shy of a Pence debate, that I sensed the same fury, God, Himself, described to the Prophet Ezekiel, how a fury would come into his face regarding the rise of Gog and Magog, The two beast of Rev. 17, of which Apostle witness rise, one from land, one from sea,2008, just as Obama's pending two weeks and seven years administration, right into Cameron's pending as well Brexit, woe, woe, and woe!,
-Article... Clinton Insider, Larry Nichols— the man who exposed numerous Clinton scandals including Monica Lewinsky, Whitewater and others—shares some of the most critical, crucial and concise information about what’s about to slap America and President Trump dead in the face. Everything from a FEMA provisional takeover, to planned civil riots; it’s all coming to a climactic end…UNLESS we the people take action.. Article...
I Will Laugh When Your Fear Cometh, God's Judgment Is Now! Right Now!
-'Unless we the people take action,' undoubtedly Lisa you mean like I forewarn how voting booths, Trump's pending administration, should've been pound into repentant altars of Jesus Christ/Cross, an end of America, the West is upon us.
Or is it like the people of Noah's day into those of Sodom and Gomorrah halting God's judgment by doing something other than seeking His pardon Jesus' Blood and getting themselves to safety; like running for their and their loved ones lives clearly toward destinations other than anything Us to Western soil.
-This is happening Lisa and you and all Americans are left like the days of Noah, into those of Father Abraham and Moses the greatest deliverer since that One come Jesus, asking the question and I quote "will you," (wine press of God Us soil), "destroy the righteous with the unrighteous? I don''t know if you realize it, but the call that parents be killed, was a call that all parents be killed. Meaning it's like doing a backward swim into a said death bringer which isn't that different than the grim reaper Moses Egypt's soil.
-Those cataclysms who were per their leader's disobedience, that targeted first born Egyptians and Hebrews only like present with one exception. That only those safe-guarded, Grace of God, so by the blood of a particular Lamb slain for His deity of Blood. Resoundingly, get ye to Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, only of it's divine kind given under heaven that the greatest of death tolls come this earth ever not only pass over His Anointed, but ascend them right into wedding suppers and mansions in heaven.
-Again Lisa, those people reading here, this is happening, right now, said end time prophecy will not relent until Jesus Himself, The Bride, Archangel Michael and Heaven's Armies with Him. That's all land as prophesied these thousands of years, as was demonstrated to me as to lay Jesus' feet, all come to the mount of Olivet. Miraculously, even tumultuously freeing not only a gravely defeated Israel, but a severely battered world from the reign of Antichrist, Gog, Magog and Hamon-gog, their pending defeat, whereas hundreds of millions are dead and America, the West are little mention or heard of ever again, blessed is He, Jesus who come in the name of the Lord Elohim, beware, Apb, The RAM, see here, www.legendsofthefall17.blogspot.com
Apostle's Note, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com
: -And I Heard In My Hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging Martyred Blood," beware of the wine-press of God, www.persecutionblog.com
-Take up Shield and Buckler And Stand Up For Our Help www.lonelyteardrop15.blogspot.com -I was channel surfing, well just a few days ago, I'm visiting my sister and Joel Olsten is on and he's trying his best Lord Jesus he;p to teach on Jesus as Lord. All I can say is he appeared as a duck out of water, it was easily to hear, to hear not see, but hear, he had not so learned Jesus Christ. Not as a Christian born again, living only as the Holy Spirit lived through him, Jesus His Lord. -It was years ago, I was channel surfing, I kept running across these masses in assembly, when just as so Lyn I heard Holy Spirit say and I quote, "these people need to fall in love with God," ye must be born again. The same people Holy Spirit described lately as those who need to pound themselves into the dust, I assume as a seed, Jesus said only then can it this seed now dead and buried come forth as a great harvest. -Assuredly this is the generation of apostate assembly, Jesus Himself will declare, "I never knew you, you that worked iniquity." It was the year of our lord 1998 these same people where forewarn to get instead to Pastors and ministries of Chirst, to learn of event times events, for a darkness, then pending was coming,, beware, God isn't mocked, whatsoever one sows, that shall he also reap, beware, see here, www.2015jesuscomeknocking.blogspot.com
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate," herein the seeing of missiles impacting earth just as Bride Rose ito wings and clouds in heaven.
-Earth's Troubles, Gods Trumpet, Jesus' Rescue Wings, Millennium
-World, war three is knocking at our doors is the title of this video, whereas the ill realization of this approaching extinction level event isn't only the proposed multi ton elephant but that of a tell, tale of insurmountable leaning into Apocalypse as Noah's ark that's as well painstakingly all around us of forth telling catastrophes Truly not only have biblical prophecy for these thousands of years into this present second forewarn us of these now pending with this world's end cataclysms beginning here Us soil, but they, end time prophecy has gone as far as to remind us of the manner of lackadaisical spirit, as is obvious, all human kind would be in, thus the portrayal of a slow motion exodus that is the world's refugees.
-I contend like the days of Noah, and it's obvious prerequisite to unthinkable dangers there is no way mankind is caught unaware, but as those with a whatever will be will be attitude until said horrors are. Suddenly tens of millions are either dead, missing and or running for their lives, only there is a worse thing than being dead, and that's being sentenced to the lake of fires having forsaken Christ, by the Great White Throne Judgment of Elohim God. I know it's literally impossible to hear about America's desolations into complete deletion, it was hard for Apostle as well now these twenty plus years, endlessly these forewarnings, America, the West being brought to an end.
-Like you, like most people, especially Americans, said revelations come to me at a time, like Moses' Egypt I thought America too powerful even for God, I know how ridiculous that sound, but everyone reading this message who isn't packing for those nation's boarding Western allies around this planet and getting themselves, their's out, then you as well is being deluded along such foolish thinking. Honestly time for evacuation done ran out as surely as the Hussein Obama's predestined two weeks and seven years Presidential Administration 2008-2015, so am I saying it's too late, too late is when you dead without Christ, beware!.
-See more below, it explain Jesus telling disciples, how world ending troubles must be, in other words, His Millennium Reign, it's peace on earth for a thousand years will be only as rebellious man's warmongering (battling into Armageddon), end for all time and Satan is locked away it's entire duration.
Article... North Korea Provocation: The Background and Context You’re Not Being Told \
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:49
And There Shall Be Wars In Various Places, The Fulfillment Of All Things, Angel Gabriel 2004
-Thus and so as should be, if the four Continents to nations 2002, I saw in a block. Just as so I heard in my hearing, then and just prior to Trump's inauguration that 50 million will die. Meaning Asia, America, Japan nor Russia the four I saw in a block again 2002, the four here, 2017, prophetically warmongering along this tug of nuclear war. Surely none of such approaching Apocalypse are to let us creep back into hibernation's of false security, even of Trump building these magical walls .Surely only an enemy of God and man would do such, cast us so unaware, especially when the worse of trials and tribulations ever, or ever again are visibly knocking as to kick in our doors crying for blood, how it want tons more.
Seen to be seeing men in orange hazmat jumpsuits just burst in our doors, (the pale horse of pestilence, claiming a quarter of earth's inhabitants is come 2001-2017), Beware, Apb
-This is only the ancient of carnivorous appetite, once commanded of it's great iron teeth Daniel's prophecies all these millennia to rise and eat much flesh. Just now is come the reminder of God's end time wine press, more so right now, this weight of human toll. That's to measure 175 miles of guilty blood, meaning as well millions of lives, crying aloud only a week past of God's long suffering and I quote, "get ye to Repentant Altars," God is avenging Martyred Blood." l looked into a dream lately, it was as though I was watching someone playing a puzzle, whereas the word 'Now,' was being moved about such the game board.
-That's this single word reset until it was brought to rest along side the word jugement, as in "judgment now." Furthermore a few nights past were dreams about courting Keanu Reeves, of possibly the human family as never before, flirting with tremendous dangers seen coming, threatening from Above, beware, Apb, The RAM, www.thelightofbeowulf2017.blogspot.com
Apostles's Note: www.2016theauthenticparable.blogspot.com
-Jesus said there shall not be left one stone upon another, remember, so this wall standing is in total transgression of end time prophecy. Even an act of idolatry, those gods having eyes, ears and a form, but like their followers are blind, deaf and vain. Howbeit, that said warning was around the same time Jesus was correcting early discilpes, being so excited about the temple building, not to let any man deceive them. Even you, Christ is Lord, everything gone before Him thieves and robbers, religious to political reign disguised as peace and safety, only now into the end is sudden destruction 2001-2017 threatening tens of millions Us soil, into world wide, beware, Apb, see www.legendsofthefall17.blogspot.com
to have a now ascended to Jesus husband 2012, forewarn about alien
dangers coming from above, Apb (and there shall be signs on earth and
in the heavens above), www.theissueoftherest2016.blogspot.com
There Shall Be Signs, And Vapors Of Smoke, And The Sky Rolled Back
Like A Scroll
guess I should've been asking how is it my grands and I were able to
see with our physical eyes what most claim can only be seen by a
specific telescope. It was a fall day 2016, we were all in the park,
my grands and I and over a half of dozen of other kids and we were
playing a game of kick ball, I shared once before how you'll be
surprised how most children don't know how to play football, We'd
been playing for a while, it was then I looked toward the sky, and I
saw then, what is now described as an approaching Nibiru only I
didn't know it, I simply said to them, well asked, looking toward the
sky, if that's the sun, possibly a 3 O'clock one, more south east.
as so I asked, if that is the sun, then what is that, what is that,
that look additionally like the sun, only it was smaller in size.
Smaller in size, shining like the sun only it was surrounded by this
midst, again, it was similar to a sun descending behind the clouds.
As I said it was surrounded by this midst, all the kids was seeing
this as I pointed it out to them and they just started to sound off,
it's an angel. it's Jesus. I's the end of the world. I tell you
undoubtedly for a time it appeared as though there were two suns, one
south east and increasing, one south west, smaller in size and
can tell you every clear video or picture I see of it, look like the
unexplainable image we saw that day, it was a light like the sun only
it had a midst around it, that at times reflected in different
colors, this curious anomaly. Soon we all just went back to playing
kicking ball and said anomaly soon disappeared, so my question still,
why were we able to see this so clearly, when most say that is not
possible, that it, Nibiru haven't descended enough to be seen this
I'm yet to explain this UFO, I witnessed, it was around the late
nineties, it was night, I was peering out the window like north west;
surely like me, most Christians pay a lot of attention to the sky.
Soon, actually not even stun, I saw what could only have been like
this Stealth Fighter Jet and it was hovering just above my neighbors
house making no sound. Now the oddity here isn't that I'm looking at
this possible Jet as a UFO, this sizable aircraft hovering just above
isn't making a sound. That's not making a sound coming into the
neighborhood, not a sound as it hovers only a few feet away my
neighbor's house, not a sound as it departed. Not that I witnessed it
depart, eventually accepting what I saw, as at the park that day, I
turn and walked away wondering whether the US military had that
manner of technology, or whether what I'd seen was alien, an
unexplainable anomaly? Beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate, get ye to repentant alters, God is avenging martyred blood, thus the finished word puzzled, warning, "Judgment Now!" (beware of the wine press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and the wine), Apb, www.persecutionblog.com
-Why Did God Curse King Nebuchadnezzar With Seven Years Of Madness and Reduced Him To The Mind Of A Wild Animal Lost In A Wilderness? One Clue, Rebellion, Trump's Is A Truexit, Escape!
-This is the wars to rumors, my seven year old grandson, not a dream by the way, brought me out of my room to his parents room, to their TV set of breaking news about what was then a Syrian/Russian cease fire that was falling apart, then he just turn and walked out of the room. Though I wasn't at all surprised, I'd already made it known that Russia allying Syria's Assad was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy, in other words, Assad like all men of predictions time to be moved out of the way had not come. Plus it is prophesied that the Antichrist will come out of the old Assyrian Empire, meaning not only Syria, but Iran, Iraq, ect, that even the next world rule. The ten heads of Daniel, of Revelation will mostly be leaders of the middle east, ah, if you think this can't happen just see the Hussein Obama Administration, predicted, Apb, 2003.
-So prior to this nation was the territorial spirit of Egypt and following the territorial spirit of Assyria were the alike Prince of Babylon, Medo Persia, [this is why the US general described the pile up of torture vehicles, the middle east as a dirty 'Mede," Apb]. As so following were the territorial spirits of Greece followed by the territorial spirits of the Roman Empire. All of which bled into world Kingdoms, Empires, Nations to Religious/Policitial rule these thousands of years since Christ's Cross, So I described each nation as a territorial spirit as the Angel Gabriel did the prophet Daniel introducing a pending Prince of Grecia. It is to be this reminder that we've been forewarn how it is we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but a spiritual war that began in the third heavens.
-That spilled along the Universe, this second heaven and finally here upon the earth where you hear heavens host warning woe, woe, woe, because Satan has now been cast down to us furious as he know he has such a short time left. Lest you forget a third of the heavenly host felled and follows Lucifer now these powerful Prince Monsters gone to and fro about this earth.These potential evils don't include the horde of demons that's under Satan's rule and reign, right along factoring in rebellious mankind who're ordered about and possessed by them.
-Right now you should be thinking, well asking, if this is all true, biblical and even prophetic, when was there ever a time earth's inhabitants had any of a chance? The very second Elohim God looked a failed mother Eve and her mutinous deceiver Lucifer right into this first transgression and forewarn, "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed." So listen closely, you can hear her seed yet lamenting from that Bloody Cross He had for you, "It is finished," defeating these evils, even the chastise of your peace on earth for a thousand years is upon Him, is upon Jesus, beware, Apb, The RAM, see www.daniel534bc2017ad.blogspot.com
see here, http://repentintorapture17.blogspot.com
Prophecy Link
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate, fifty million will die, get ye to repentant alters, God is avenging martyred blood," (beware of the wine press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and the wine), Apb,
-I've often wondered what will America appear to be as the leader of a world exodus, demonstrated by this ministry parables these 31 springs, (www.thejuttahseptennial15.blogspot.com www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com) what made this demonstration so viable? Those first evacuated into a Paradisaical by God's Grace, by global warming to end time Apocalypse out of the African continent weren't only young Genesis (God/Jesus), Marriage Worshiper. Though, sixteen years into their birth, 1996, place this beginning to escape of millions unknowingly around the Mayan Calendar surrounding the break up of all civilized nations around the year 2012.
-Which is to say urgency of escape, of this slow motion exodus is like five years behind this well anticipated prophecy. Did I know I was doing this? No, only the Holy Spirit, I barely used any dates in this work, the marriage worshipers are the descendants of my first parable, Beast of Beauty, of Apostle's attempt. That's to place the Genesis Marriage (God's Eden, Christ's Cross) again, along the glorious light upon which it was created, the foundation of this world. An approaching blessed hope, more so than the growing popularity of damning, divorcing, whoring characters of day time soap operas, to lifetime nets works, to the worsening of the Genesis' marriage, the talk shows of human disorganization. Right into abominable prime-time television, all these wicked devices now descended into a perpetual cesspool, Easily proven to be an attempt since the days of Noah of Satan's attempt to genocide the Genesis man, the legalization of same-sex marriage, the beginning, to the end God forbid of the abominations that make the Holy of Holies (Christ Bloody Cross), desolate, (insignificant).
-I have testified and possibly will again, how we the Bride stayed in the second heavens, possibly what was once Satan's and Fallen Angels territories, now those of God, his Christ, and now the reigning Bride. Just as God's Throne and heaven's incalculable host, from this high place we watch as it all, their greatest treasures above God descended into one branch of anarchy after another. Right until not only were there millions dead, Us soil, but possibly billions the world over. We, the rising mightily into the heavens Bride, we were witnesses of Nuclear missiles being launched again as we ascended further up. The point being, doing the first second into the seven years the Bride ascension, America, Western Civilization will cease to exist into first an Islamic, Shariah law reign; into that of the Antichrist, for which I cry, blessed is he who come in the name of Elohim God, amen, awake, Apb, The RAM, see more here, http://legendsofthefallapb17.blogspot.com
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